Documentation + User Guide

Comparison (with concept statement)

Compared with concept documents and original ideas, there are many detailed functions that cannot be completed in time. So midway, the entire original design was replaced with new game art and content. Due to my ability problems, I cannot realize many ideas, so I can only rebuild the project in a very short time with the help of the online tutorial.

Game content

In the concept document, I wanted to use Kindom Rush as a blueprint to develop a game with a similar style and content. Unfortunately, after several weeks of experimentation and development, a variety of errors have finally been caused so that the game itself has huge flaws. It was impossible to do more experiments under objective constraints, so the entire game style and content were changed midway. With the help of the online tutorial, although a lot of content is borrowed from others, I have learned a lot through my own rewriting. Nevertheless, due to time constraints, I couldn't apply what I learned to the original blueprint, so I developed the current version.

Player skills

In the concept document, the original design allowed the player to spend a certain cost to release additional skills to kill the enemy. Furthermore, the environment of the map can also benefit the damage of skills. However, due to a lot of time during the initial development stage, the system was not realized and it was abandoned.

Weather system

Although it is not possible in the game, I can talk about my initial thoughts. First of all, in the early design of the weather system, there is an algorithm that can randomly trigger changes in the weather during the game, such as rain, wind, etc. In addition, another algorithm will be used to calculate the duration of the current weather and increase the damage of the tower building. This algorithm also needs to reduce the probability of weather crossing. In the original idea, this system was placed in the later stage of game development, but this content was abandoned due to slow and unsatisfactory progress in the early stage of development.

Test section feedback

Based on users' feedback, the game content has been revised as follows:

Game difficulty

The effects of different towers have debuffs on enemies of the same attribute. For example, the direct damage and continuous reduction of health caused by the fire tower to the red enemy will be less. In addition, the enemy's health will increase appropriately every three waves.

Enemy movement

In the current version of the game, the enemy will move along the set pathway.

Tower diversity

The fire tower will have a certain chance to burn the enemy and cause it to continuously reduce the health value.

The Storm Tower will have a certain chance to freeze the enemy in place.

The ice tower will have a certain chance to freeze the enemy and reduce its movement speed significantly.

The poison tower will have a certain chance to poison the enemy so that it will continue to reduce its health and leave a buff in place after killing the target.

Asset List


NameUsesCrete by
Blue monsterSprite used to create the blue monsterinScope Studios
Red monsterSprite used to create the red monsterinScope Studios
Green monsterSprite used to create the green monsterinScope Studios
Purple monsterSprite used to create the purple monsterinScope Studios
Blue portalSprite used to create a portal to spawn the enemiesinScope Studios
Red portalSprite used to create a portal to decrease the health value of the playerinScope Studios
GrassSprite sheet of tilemaps as the game backgroundinScope Studios
SandSprite sheet of tilemaps as a pathway for the enemiesinScope Studios
Fire  towerSprite used to create a fire towerinScope Studios
Ice towerSprite used to create an ice towerinScope Studios
Storm towerSprite used to create a storm towerinScope Studios
Poison towerSprite used to create a poison towerinScope Studios
Fire projectileSprite used to create a projectile for the fire towerinScope Studios
Ice projectileSprite used to create a projectile for the ice towerinScope Studios
Storm projectileSprite used to create a projectile for the storm towerinScope Studios
Poison projectileSprite used to create a projectile for the poison towerinScope Studios
Health barSprite used to create a health bar for the enemiesinScope Studios
Menu backgroundSprite used to create the main menu of the gameinScope Studios
Menu buttonsSprite used to create menu buttons for the main menuinScope Studios
TooltipBackgroundSprite used to create a board to display details of towersinScope Studios
Tower buttonSprite used to create icons for towerinScope Studios
Sell buttonSprite used to create a sell button  for the towersinScope Studios
Upgrade buttonSprite used to create an upgrade button for the towersinScope Studios
ArrowSprite used to debugCreated by me
CursorSprite used on cursorCreated by me
Waypoint gizmoSprite used on waypoint gizmoCreated by me


NameUsesCreate by
Fire  towerAnimation used to create the fire towerCreated by me
Ice  towerAnimation used to create the Ice towerCreated by me
Storm towerAnimation used to create the Storm  towerCreated by me
Poison  towerAnimation used to create the Poison towerCreated by me
Fire AttackAnimation used when fire tower attackCreated by me
Ice AttackAnimation used when ice tower attackCreated by me
Storm AttackAnimation used when storm tower attackCreated by me
Poison AttackAnimation used when poison tower attackCreated by me
Fire idleAnimation used to create an idle fire towerCreated by me
Ice idleAnimation used to create an idle ice towerCreated by me
Storm idleAnimation used to create an idle storm towerCreated by me
Poison idleAnimation used to create an idle storm towerCreated by me
Fire projectileAnimation used to create a projectile for the fire towerCreated by me
Ice projectileAnimation used to create a projectile for the ice towerCreated by me
Strom projectileAnimation used to create a projectile for the storm towerCreated by me
Poison projectileAnimation used to create a projectile for the poison towerCreated by me
PuffAnimation used to create a hit effect on the enemiesCreated by me
Blue deathBlue monster death animationCreated by me
Blue downBlue monster go down animationCreated by me
Blue rightBlue monster go right animationCreated by me
Blue leftBlue monster go left animationCreated by me
Blue upBlue monster go up animationCreated by me
Red deathRed monster death animationCreated by me
Red downRed monster go down animationCreated by me
Red rightRed monster go right animationCreatedby me
Red leftRed monster go left animationCreated by me
Red upRed monster go up animationCreated by me
Green deathGreen monster death animationCreated by me
Green downGreen monster go down animationCreated by me
Green rightGreen monster go right animationCreated by me
Green leftGreen monster go left animationCreated by me
Green upGreen monster go up animationCreated by me
Purple deathPurple monster death animationCreated by me
Purple downPurple monster go down animationCreated by me
Purple rightPurple monster go right animationCreated by me
Purple leftPurple monster go left animationCreated by me
Purple upPurple monster go up animationCreated by me
Red portalAnimation used to create a red portalCreated by me
Red idleAnimation used to create an idle red portalCreated by me
Red openAnimation used  when the enemies touch the red portalCreated by me
Blue portalAnimation used to create a blue portalCreated by me
Blue idleAnimation used to create an idle blue portalCreated by me


NameUsesCreate by
Enemies MovementScript for enemies movementCreated by me
WaypointsScript for pathwayCreated by me
BarScript for health bar of the enemiesEdited from inScopeStudios tutorial
Camera MovementScript for camera movementEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Game ManagerWave control,
money control,
player health,
pick a tower,
buy a tower,
select a tower,
deselect a tower,
main menu,
pause menu,
enemies spawn,
enemies remove,
restart the game,
quit the game,
sell tower,
show tower details,
update tower,
place tower.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
Level ManagerPlace map tiles,
create background map,
portals control,
camera movement.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
HoverControl the hover tower icon follow the mouseEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Main menuCall the main menuEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
MonsterSpawn enemies,
Scales a monster up or down,
add debuffs on enemies,
remove debuffs on enemies,
enemies damage control,
enemies animation control.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
Object poolProjectiles and enemies spawn controlEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
PointStruct used for indicating X and Y positions GameWorldEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
PortalPortal triggerEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
ProjectileProjectiles move to enemies position,
projectiles hurt enemies,
add debuffs on enemies.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
SingletonA generic singleton class for creating the singletonEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Sound managerManager all soundsEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
StatThe current value of the statEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Tile scriptScript used for all tiles in the gameEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
A starA dictionary for all nodes in the gameEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
NodeNodes controlEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
DebuffTotal debuffs controlEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Fire debuffFire debuff effectEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Ice debuffIce debuff effectEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Storm debuffStorm debuff effectEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Poison debuffPoison debuff effectEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Poison splashPoison splash after enemies dieEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
Fire towerFire projectile control,
damage control,
percentage trigger debuff,
debuff duration,
attack cold down,
tick time,
debuff damage.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
Ice towerIce projectile control,
 damage control,
percentage trigger debuff,
 debuff duration,
 attack cold down,
 debuff factor.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
Storm towerFire projectile control,
 damage control,
percentage trigger debuff,
 attack cold down
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial
Poison towerFire projectile control,
damage control,
percentage trigger debuff,
debuff duration,
attack cold down,
tick time,
poison splash,
debuff damage.
Edited from inScope Studios tutorial


NameUsesCreate by
Level textCreate a background mapEdited from inScope Studios tutorial
AudioSounds effectsinScope Studios
FontFontinScope Studios

Sprites and materials from Here

User Guide

Place towers before wave start

Once you click the next wave button that you are not able to place the tower until the wave finished.

You are not able to block the pathway.

Press the Esc button on keyboard to pause the game and call the menu.

Once the health value on the bottom right is 0, the game will end.

You can move the camera by using W, A, S, D buttons on the keyboard.

Files Play in browser
May 30, 2021