Game presentation and graphics

Update Summary

Currency, tower icon,  wave button and health bar of players. (Done)

In the upper left corner of the screen, there will be a text showing the currency owned by the current player. Each time an enemy is killed, the player will get 2$.

Gif picture comes from The Guradian Tower

On the right side of the screen, the player will drag the tower icon to place the tower on the map. If the player does not have enough currency, the icon will turn gray and the player cannot drag.

Gif picture comes from The Guradian Tower

The wave button will be at the top of the center of the screen. Whenever the player clicks next wave button, a new enemy will spawn.

Gif picture comes from The Guradian Tower

In the lower right corner of the screen, the player's health value will be displayed. Whenever an enemy enters the red portal, the player's health value will be reduced by 1, once the health value is zero, the game will end.

Gif picture comes from The Guradian Tower


The UI will be released soon...

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